

Notify about journal log entries

This runs in the background and produces notifications whenever systemd journal logs an entry. Notifications look like this:


Before flooding the desktop this will throttle notifications:



To compile and run journal-notify you need:

To use journal-notify you probably want systemd-journald.

Some systems may require additional development packages for the libraries. Look for libnotify-devel, libsystemd-devel or similar.

Build and install

Building and installing is very easy. Just run:


followed by:

make install

This will place an executable at /usr/bin/journal-notify, documentation can be found in /usr/share/doc/journal-notify/.


To use journal-notify you need access to the journal log files. Make sure you get the expected log entries by running journalctl. Possibly you have to add yourself to group systemd-journal or similar.

Just running journal-notify without parameter will show all log entries. Be warned: This can flood your disktop with notifications.

journal-notify accepts some options:

  • -a: combine matches with a logical AND
  • -e: use extended regular expressions
  • -h: show help
  • -i ICON: icon to use
  • -m MATCH: This can be specified more than once. The option accepts matches to systemd journal fields. (see man 7 systemd.journal-fields)
  • -n: no case sensitive regular expressions
  • -o: combine matches with a logical OR
  • -r REGEX: This add a regular expression match for the message field.
  • -t SECONDS: seconds to show the notification, 0 is forever
  • -T THROTTLE: start throttling with Nth notification
  • -v: verbose output, can be specified multiple times
  • -V: print version information
  • -X EXECUTABLE: execute EXECUTABLE, do not show notification

The screenshot shown above resulted from this command:

journal-notify -m SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=sshd -e -r "^(error:|Accepted)" -i security-high

The command specified by -x is called with three options. Make sure your executable understands these options:

  • -i: syslog identifier
  • -p: priority
  • -m: message

Additionally example desktop files are installed to /usr/share/journal-notify/desktop/. You should copy them to ~/.config/autostart/ to enable autostart or create your own desktop files there.

Example execute scripts are installed to /usr/share/journal-notify/execute/. Review and update them before execution, for example you should replace the mail address in mail.sh with your own one.

Example systemd units are installed to /usr/share/journal-notify/systemd/. To use them copy to /etc/systemd/system/ and systemctl enable. Again, make sure to change unit file and script for your needs!

License and warranty

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


URL: GitHub.com

Mirror: eworm.de GitLab.com