path: root/doc/netwatch-dns.md
blob: e00ccd09aa8779fa84a54e7f20c9646704966be9 (plain) (tree)












Manage DNS and DoH servers from netwatch

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> ℹ️ **Info**: This script can not be used on its own but requires the base
> installation. See [main README](../README.md) for details.


This script reads server state from netwatch and manages used DNS and
DoH (DNS over HTTPS) servers.

Requirements and installation

Just install the script:

    $ScriptInstallUpdate netwatch-dns;

Then add a scheduler to run it periodically:

    /system/scheduler/add interval=1m name=netwatch-dns on-event="/system/script/run netwatch-dns;" start-time=startup;


The DNS and DoH servers to be checked have to be added to netwatch with
specific comment:

    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh" host=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="dns" host=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, dns" host=;

This will configure *cloudflare-dns* for DoH (``), and
*google-dns* and *quad-nine* for regular DNS (`,`) if up.
If *cloudflare-dns* is down the script will fall back to *quad-nine* for DoH.

Giving a specific query url for DoH is possible:

    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, doh-url=https://dns.nextdns.io/dns-query" host=;

Note that using a name in DoH url may introduce a chicken-and-egg issue!

Adding a static DNS record has the same result for the url, but always
resolves to the same address.

    /ip/dns/static/add name="dns.nextdns.io" address=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh" host=;

Be aware that you have to keep the ip address in sync with real world

Importing a certificate automatically is possible, at least if available in
the repository (see `certs` sub directory).

    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, doh-cert=DigiCert Global G2 TLS RSA SHA256 2020 CA1" host=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, doh-cert=DigiCert TLS Hybrid ECC SHA384 2020 CA1" host=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, doh-cert=GTS CA 1C3" host=;

Sometimes using just one specific (possibly internal) DNS server may be
desired, with fallback in case it fails. This is possible as well:

    /tool/netwatch/add comment="dns" host=;
    /tool/netwatch/add comment="dns-fallback" host=;

Tips & Tricks

### Use in combination with notifications

Netwatch entries can be created to work with both - this script and
[netwatch-notify](netwatch-notify.md). Just give options for both:

    /tool/netwatch/add comment="doh, notify, name=cloudflare-dns" host=;

Also this allows to update host address, see option `resolve`.

See also

* [Notify on host up and down](netwatch-notify.md)

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