diff options
authorGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2019-12-03 21:46:04 +0100
committerGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2019-12-03 23:45:55 +0100
commitebd5ff9bfecf8a843eb7ed87d10b2bacc8518ca6 (patch)
parentbccdb47fdedf5cccd779fd54766db05dfd1741ab (diff)
global-functions: introduce $ScriptFromTerminal
Checking whether or not started from terminal is tricky... We have to find the job for the script, find its top most parent and get its type.
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/global-functions b/global-functions
index 218262b..2bff9cc 100644
--- a/global-functions
+++ b/global-functions
@@ -243,6 +243,24 @@
+# check if script is run from terminal
+:global ScriptFromTerminal do={
+ :local Script [ :tostr $1 ];
+ :foreach Job in=[ / system script job find where script=$Script ] do={
+ :set Job [ / system script job get $Job ];
+ :while ([ :typeof ($Job->"parent") ] = "id") do={
+ :set Job [ / system script job get [ find where .id=($Job->"parent") ] ];
+ }
+ :if (($Job->"type") = "login") do={
+ :log debug ("Script " . $Script . " started from terminal.");
+ :return true;
+ }
+ }
+ :return false;
# wait for file to be available
:global WaitForFile do={
:global CleanFilePath;