path: root/telegram-chat.rsc
diff options
authorGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2023-10-16 15:04:22 +0200
committerGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2023-10-16 15:27:14 +0200
commit15873e2fdb20ad74e8ba9f0cf3dd7331ad143809 (patch)
tree53790abe215bbeffe7419497d8fbded91f37ef17 /telegram-chat.rsc
parent555461c6121465aab748429d6a3226b1a6ca42b4 (diff)
telegram-chat: restore indention
Diffstat (limited to 'telegram-chat.rsc')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/telegram-chat.rsc b/telegram-chat.rsc
index 9afac69..e063e80 100644
--- a/telegram-chat.rsc
+++ b/telegram-chat.rsc
@@ -88,33 +88,33 @@ $WaitFullyConnected;
:set Done true;
:if ($Done = false && ($IsReply = 1 || $TelegramChatActive = true) && [ :len ($Message->"text") ] > 0) do={
- :if ([ $ValidateSyntax ($Message->"text") ] = true) do={
- :local State "";
- :local File ("tmpfs/telegram-chat/" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum 6 ]);
- $MkDir "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Running command from update " . $UpdateID . ": " . $Message->"text") false;
- :execute script=(":do {\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n} on-error={ /file/add name=\"" . $File . ".failed\" };" . \
- "/file/add name=\"" . $File . ".done\"") file=$File;
- :if ([ $WaitForFile ($File . ".done") [ $EitherOr $TelegramChatRunTime 20s ] ] = false) do={
- :set State "The command did not finish, still running in background.\n\n";
- }
- :if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=($File . ".failed") ] ] > 0) do={
- :set State "The command failed with an error!\n\n";
- }
- :local Content [ /file/get ($File . ".txt") contents ];
- $SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=($Chat->"id"); silent=false; replyto=($Message->"message_id"); \
- subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
- message=("Command:\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n\n" . $State . [ $IfThenElse ([ :len $Content ] > 0) \
- ("Output:\n" . $Content) [ $IfThenElse ([ /file/get ($File . ".txt") size ] > 0) \
- ("Output exceeds file read size.") ("No output.") ] ]) });
- /file/remove "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
- } else={
- $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("The command from update " . $UpdateID . " failed syntax validation!") false;
- $SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=($Chat->"id"); silent=false; replyto=($Message->"message_id"); \
- subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
- message=("Command:\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n\nThe command failed syntax validation!") });
+ :if ([ $ValidateSyntax ($Message->"text") ] = true) do={
+ :local State "";
+ :local File ("tmpfs/telegram-chat/" . [ $GetRandom20CharAlNum 6 ]);
+ $MkDir "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Running command from update " . $UpdateID . ": " . $Message->"text") false;
+ :execute script=(":do {\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n} on-error={ /file/add name=\"" . $File . ".failed\" };" . \
+ "/file/add name=\"" . $File . ".done\"") file=$File;
+ :if ([ $WaitForFile ($File . ".done") [ $EitherOr $TelegramChatRunTime 20s ] ] = false) do={
+ :set State "The command did not finish, still running in background.\n\n";
+ :if ([ :len [ /file/find where name=($File . ".failed") ] ] > 0) do={
+ :set State "The command failed with an error!\n\n";
+ }
+ :local Content [ /file/get ($File . ".txt") contents ];
+ $SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=($Chat->"id"); silent=false; replyto=($Message->"message_id"); \
+ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
+ message=("Command:\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n\n" . $State . [ $IfThenElse ([ :len $Content ] > 0) \
+ ("Output:\n" . $Content) [ $IfThenElse ([ /file/get ($File . ".txt") size ] > 0) \
+ ("Output exceeds file read size.") ("No output.") ] ]) });
+ /file/remove "tmpfs/telegram-chat";
+ } else={
+ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("The command from update " . $UpdateID . " failed syntax validation!") false;
+ $SendTelegram2 ({ origin=$0; chatid=($Chat->"id"); silent=false; replyto=($Message->"message_id"); \
+ subject=([ $SymbolForNotification "speech-balloon" ] . "Telegram Chat"); \
+ message=("Command:\n" . $Message->"text" . "\n\nThe command failed syntax validation!") });
+ }
} else={
:local MessageText ("Received a message from untrusted contact " . \
[ $IfThenElse ([ :len ($From->"username") ] = 0) "without username" ("'" . $From->"username" . "'") ] . \