#!rsc by RouterOS
# RouterOS script: hotspot-to-wpa.wifi
# Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md
# requires RouterOS, version=7.12
# add private WPA passphrase after hotspot login
# https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/doc/hotspot-to-wpa.md
# !! Do not edit this file, it is generated from template!

:global GlobalFunctionsReady;
:while ($GlobalFunctionsReady != true) do={ :delay 500ms; }

:do {
  :local ScriptName [ :jobname ];

  :global EitherOr;
  :global LogPrint;
  :global ParseKeyValueStore;
  :global ScriptLock;

  :local MacAddress $"mac-address";
  :local UserName $username;

  :if ([ $ScriptLock $ScriptName ] = false) do={
    :error false;

  :if ([ :typeof $MacAddress ] = "nothing" || [ :typeof $UserName ] = "nothing") do={
    $LogPrint error $ScriptName ("This script is supposed to run from hotspot on login.");
    :error false;

  :local Date [ /system/clock/get date ];
  :local UserVal ({});
  :if ([ :len [ /ip/hotspot/user/find where name=$UserName ] ] > 0) do={
    :set UserVal [ /ip/hotspot/user/get [ find where name=$UserName ] ];
  :local UserInfo [ $ParseKeyValueStore ($UserVal->"comment") ];
  :local Hotspot [ /ip/hotspot/host/get [ find where mac-address=$MacAddress authorized ] server ];

  :if ([ :len [ /interface/wifi/access-list/find where comment="--- hotspot-to-wpa above ---" disabled ] ] = 0) do={
    /interface/wifi/access-list/add comment="--- hotspot-to-wpa above ---" disabled=yes;
    $LogPrint warning $ScriptName ("Added disabled access-list entry with comment '--- hotspot-to-wpa above ---'.");
  :local PlaceBefore ([ /interface/wifi/access-list/find where comment="--- hotspot-to-wpa above ---" disabled ]->0);

  :if ([ :len [ /interface/wifi/access-list/find where \
      comment=("hotspot-to-wpa template " . $Hotspot) disabled ] ] = 0) do={
    /interface/wifi/access-list/add comment=("hotspot-to-wpa template " . $Hotspot) disabled=yes place-before=$PlaceBefore;
    $LogPrint warning $ScriptName ("Added template in access-list for hotspot '" . $Hotspot . "'.");
  :local Template [ /interface/wifi/access-list/get ([ find where \
      comment=("hotspot-to-wpa template " . $Hotspot) disabled ]->0) ];

  :if ($Template->"action" = "reject") do={
    $LogPrint info $ScriptName ("Ignoring login for hotspot '" . $Hotspot . "'.");
    :error true;

  # allow login page to load
  :delay 1s;

  $LogPrint info $ScriptName ("Adding/updating access-list entry for mac address " . $MacAddress . \
    " (user " . $UserName . ").");
  /interface/wifi/access-list/remove [ find where mac-address=$MacAddress comment~"^hotspot-to-wpa: " ];
  /interface/wifi/access-list/add passphrase=($UserVal->"password") ssid-regexp="-wpa\$" \
      mac-address=$MacAddress comment=("hotspot-to-wpa: " . $UserName . ", " . $MacAddress . ", " . $Date) \
      action=reject place-before=$PlaceBefore;

  :local Entry [ /interface/wifi/access-list/find where mac-address=$MacAddress \
      comment=("hotspot-to-wpa: " . $UserName . ", " . $MacAddress . ", " . $Date) ];
  :set ($Template->"private-passphrase") ($Template->"passphrase");
  :local PrivatePassphrase [ $EitherOr ($UserInfo->"private-passphrase") ($Template->"private-passphrase") ];
  :if ([ :len $PrivatePassphrase ] > 0) do={
    :if ($PrivatePassphrase = "ignore") do={
      /interface/wifi/access-list/set $Entry !passphrase;
    } else={
      /interface/wifi/access-list/set $Entry passphrase=$PrivatePassphrase;
  :local SsidRegexp [ $EitherOr ($UserInfo->"ssid-regexp") ($Template->"ssid-regexp") ];
  :if ([ :len $SsidRegexp ] > 0) do={
    /interface/wifi/access-list/set $Entry ssid-regexp=$SsidRegexp;
  :local VlanId [ $EitherOr ($UserInfo->"vlan-id") ($Template->"vlan-id") ];
  :if ([ :len $VlanId ] > 0) do={
    /interface/wifi/access-list/set $Entry vlan-id=$VlanId;

  :delay 2s;
  /interface/wifi/access-list/set $Entry action=accept;
} on-error={ }