#!rsc by RouterOS # RouterOS script: mod/notification-matrix # Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Michael Gisbers <michael@gisbers.de> # Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de> # https://git.eworm.de/cgit/routeros-scripts/about/COPYING.md :global FlushMatrixQueue; :global NotificationFunctions; :global SendMatrix; :global SendMatrix2; # flush Matrix queue :set FlushMatrixQueue do={ :global MatrixQueue; :global IsFullyConnected; :global LogPrintExit2; :if ([ $IsFullyConnected ] = false) do={ $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("System is not fully connected, not flushing.") false; :return false; } :local AllDone true; :local QueueLen [ :len $MatrixQueue ]; :if ([ :len [ /system/scheduler/find where name="FlushMatrixQueue" ] ] > 0 && $QueueLen = 0) do={ $LogPrintExit2 warning $0 ("Flushing Matrix messages from scheduler, but queue is empty.") false; } :foreach Id,Message in=$MatrixQueue do={ :if ([ :typeof $Message ] = "array" ) do={ :do { /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \ ("https://" . $Message->"homeserver" . "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/" . $Message->"room" . \ "/send/m.room.message?access_token=" . $Message->"accesstoken") \ http-data=("{ \"msgtype\": \"m.text\", \"body\": \"" . $Message->"plain" . "\"," . \ "\"format\": \"org.matrix.custom.html\", \"formatted_body\": \"" . \ $Message->"formatted" . "\" }") as-value; :set ($MatrixQueue->$Id); } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 debug $0 ("Sending queued Matrix message failed.") false; :set AllDone false; } } } :if ($AllDone = true && $QueueLen = [ :len $MatrixQueue ]) do={ /system/scheduler/remove [ find where name="FlushMatrixQueue" ]; :set MatrixQueue; } } # send notification via Matrix - expects one array argument :set ($NotificationFunctions->"matrix") do={ :local Notification $1; :global Identity; :global MatrixAccessToken; :global MatrixAccessTokenOverride; :global MatrixHomeServer; :global MatrixHomeServerOverride; :global MatrixQueue; :global MatrixRoom; :global MatrixRoomOverride; :global EitherOr; :global LogPrintExit2; :global SymbolForNotification; :local PrepareText do={ :local Input [ :tostr $1 ]; :if ([ :len $Input ] = 0) do={ :return ""; } :local Return ""; :local Chars { "plain"={ "\\"; "\""; "\n" }; "format"={ "\\"; "\""; "\n"; "&"; "<"; ">" }; } :local Subs { "plain"={ "\\\\"; "\\\""; "\\n" }; "format"={ "\\\\"; """; "<br/>"; "&"; "<"; ">" }; } :for I from=0 to=([ :len $Input ] - 1) do={ :local Char [ :pick $Input $I ]; :local Replace [ :find ($Chars->$2) $Char ]; :if ([ :typeof $Replace ] = "num") do={ :set Char ($Subs->$2->$Replace); } :set Return ($Return . $Char); } :return $Return; } :local AccessToken [ $EitherOr ($MatrixAccessTokenOverride->($Notification->"origin")) $MatrixAccessToken ]; :local HomeServer [ $EitherOr ($MatrixHomeServerOverride->($Notification->"origin")) $MatrixHomeServer ]; :local Room [ $EitherOr ($MatrixRoomOverride->($Notification->"origin")) $MatrixRoom ]; :if ([ :len $AccessToken ] = 0 || [ :len $HomeServer ] = 0 || [ :len $Room ] = 0) do={ :return false; } :local Plain [ $PrepareText ("## [" . $Identity . "] " . ($Notification->"subject") . "\n```\n" . \ ($Notification->"message") . "\n```") "plain" ]; :local Formatted ("<h2>" . [ $PrepareText ("[" . $Identity . "] " . ($Notification->"subject")) "format" ] . "</h2>" . \ "<pre><code>" . [ $PrepareText ($Notification->"message") "format" ] . "</code></pre>"); :if ([ :len ($Notification->"link") ] > 0) do={ :set Plain ($Plain . "\\n" . [ $SymbolForNotification "link" ] . \ [ $PrepareText ("[" . $Notification->"link" . "](" . $Notification->"link" . ")") "plain" ]); :set Formatted ($Formatted . "<br/>" . [ $SymbolForNotification "link" ] . \ "<a href=\\\"" . [ $PrepareText ($Notification->"link") "format" ] . "\\\">" . \ [ $PrepareText ($Notification->"link") "format" ] . "</a>"); } :do { /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \ ("https://" . $HomeServer . "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/" . $Room . \ "/send/m.room.message?access_token=" . $AccessToken) \ http-data=("{ \"msgtype\": \"m.text\", \"body\": \"" . $Plain . "\"," . \ "\"format\": \"org.matrix.custom.html\", \"formatted_body\": \"" . \ $Formatted . "\" }") as-value; } on-error={ $LogPrintExit2 info $0 ("Failed sending Matrix notification! Queuing...") false; :if ([ :typeof $MatrixQueue ] = "nothing") do={ :set MatrixQueue ({}); } :local Text ([ $SymbolForNotification "alarm-clock" ] . \ "This message was queued since " . [ /system/clock/get date ] . \ " " . [ /system/clock/get time ] . " and may be obsolete."); :set Plain ($Plain . "\\n" . $Text); :set Formatted ($Formatted . "<br/>" . $Text); :set ($MatrixQueue->[ :len $MatrixQueue ]) { room=$Room; \ accesstoken=$AccessToken; homeserver=$HomeServer; \ plain=$Plain; formatted=$Formatted }; :if ([ :len [ /system/scheduler/find where name="FlushMatrixQueue" ] ] = 0) do={ /system/scheduler/add name=FlushMatrixQueue interval=1m start-time=startup \ on-event=(":global FlushMatrixQueue; \$FlushMatrixQueue;"); } } } # send notification via Matrix - expects at least two string arguments :set SendMatrix do={ :global SendMatrix2; $SendMatrix2 ({ subject=$1; message=$2; link=$3 }); } # send notification via Matrix - expects one array argument :set SendMatrix2 do={ :local Notification $1; :global NotificationFunctions; ($NotificationFunctions->"matrix") ("\$NotificationFunctions->\"matrix\"") $Notification; }