BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
nextfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
routeros-v6adopt all required certificate changesGravatar Christian Hesse3 months
stagingnetwatch-dns: explicitly expect type=A...Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
routeros-7.17beta5-1commit 5b09469cc6...Gravatar Christian Hesse10 days
routeros-7.17beta4-2commit 07c9576377...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta4-1commit 435f70999c...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-2commit f2576cf558...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-1commit 1776b8f50b...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.15-1commit 209c37664b...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-2commit a017f24224...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-3commit 32474c751f...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.14-1commit 380b3b3137...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
change-131commit cdb553d39b...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2023-03-20netwatch-notify: support note in notificationchange-96Gravatar Christian Hesse4-1/+16
2023-03-10drop dummy scripts used for migration•••This now causes expected warnings on first run of $ScriptInstallUpdate. The migration still works, as we keep `global-config.changes` and `global-functions`. Gravatar Christian Hesse57-169/+1
2023-03-10global-functions: $ScriptInstallUpdate: add proper version in user agent•••This allows me to identify what RouterOS versions are run on devices fetching my scripts, which may helps to decide what incompatible changes to push. Gravatar Christian Hesse1-2/+5
2023-03-07lease-script: make sure not to match selfGravatar Christian Hesse1-1/+1
2023-03-07global-functions: $ScriptInstallUpdate: make sure not to match selfGravatar Christian Hesse1-1/+1
2023-03-07rename scripts and add file extension ".rsc"•••No functional change for the user... The migration is done automatically. change-95Gravatar Christian Hesse125-5175/+5622
2023-03-06add the notification generatorGravatar Christian Hesse2-0/+72
2023-03-06... and update the logo in notificationsGravatar Christian Hesse23-1/+1
2023-03-06use a new logoGravatar Christian Hesse3-20/+26
2023-03-06check-routeros-update: allow to install all updates automatically...•••... but with extra hurdle for more awareness of danger. Let's not send a new notification, intentionally. This feature is dangerous, and we should not advertise it. Gravatar Christian Hesse3-0/+18