BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
nextfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
routeros-v6adopt all required certificate changesGravatar Christian Hesse3 months
stagingnetwatch-dns: explicitly expect type=A...Gravatar Christian Hesse45 hours
routeros-7.17beta5-1commit 5b09469cc6...Gravatar Christian Hesse10 days
routeros-7.17beta4-2commit 07c9576377...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta4-1commit 435f70999c...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-2commit f2576cf558...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.17beta2-1commit 1776b8f50b...Gravatar Christian Hesse8 weeks
routeros-7.15-1commit 209c37664b...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-2commit a017f24224...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.15-3commit 32474c751f...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
routeros-7.14-1commit 380b3b3137...Gravatar Christian Hesse4 months
change-131commit cdb553d39b...Gravatar Christian Hesse5 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
45 hoursfw-addr-lists: spamhaus.org returned to 'GTS Root R4'HEADnextmainGravatar Christian Hesse2-3/+3
8 daysmode-button: do not act on disabled LEDGravatar Christian Hesse1-1/+2
8 daysmode-button: catch runtime errors in executed codeGravatar Christian Hesse1-1/+5
9 daysmode-button: fix the caller parameter to $LogPrint•••This is inside a function, so use just $0 here. Gravatar Christian Hesse1-3/+3
10 dayspackages-update: drop check for device-mode downgrade...•••... as things have been revised and this specific setting was removed. routeros-7.17beta5-1Gravatar Christian Hesse1-6/+0
11 dayshotspot-to-wpa-cleanup: revert display of timeout value...•••... as the timeout is a time value, and showing "4w00:00:00" (with lots of zeros) is not any better. 😜 This reverts commit f1533b8962bc67d17e9f6b5666ae51ee4d1e1ff4. Gravatar Christian Hesse3-3/+3
11 dayshotspot-to-wpa-cleanup: prepare real timeout value in variable...•••... to make sure it is not re-calculated for every single lease. Gravatar Christian Hesse3-6/+6
12 dayshotspot-to-wpa-cleanup: clean up daily onlyGravatar Christian Hesse3-3/+6
12 dayshotspot-to-wpa-cleanup: use the timeout in message...•••... not the actual value. Gravatar Christian Hesse3-3/+3
12 dayscheck-routeros-update: always exit early if up to date...•••... and just make the output and log dependent on terminal. Gravatar Christian Hesse1-2/+4