diff options
authorGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2024-04-10 11:51:47 +0200
committerGravatar Christian Hesse <mail@eworm.de>2024-04-15 09:11:25 +0200
commit9dfa11eac534019d08a5cfa289d7cde0f22c2a92 (patch)
parentfb865ba114e610bcb272d8de7c1c882705e6e06e (diff)
mod/notification-matrix: use custom user agent string
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/mod/notification-matrix.rsc b/mod/notification-matrix.rsc
index 477bb09..12a0e33 100644
--- a/mod/notification-matrix.rsc
+++ b/mod/notification-matrix.rsc
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
:foreach Id,Message in=$MatrixQueue do={
:if ([ :typeof $Message ] = "array" ) do={
:do {
- /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \
+ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none \
+ http-header-field=($Message->"headers") http-method=post \
("https://" . $Message->"homeserver" . "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/" . $Message->"room" . \
"/send/m.room.message?access_token=" . $Message->"accesstoken") \
http-data=("{ \"msgtype\": \"m.text\", \"body\": \"" . $Message->"plain" . "\"," . \
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@
:global MatrixRoomOverride;
:global EitherOr;
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global LogPrint;
:global SymbolForNotification;
@@ -115,6 +117,7 @@
:return false;
+ :local Headers ({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr ($Notification->"origin") ] });
:local Plain [ $PrepareText ("## [" . $IdentityExtra . $Identity . "] " . \
($Notification->"subject") . "\n```\n" . ($Notification->"message") . "\n```") "plain" ];
:local Formatted ("<h2>" . [ $PrepareText ("[" . $IdentityExtra . $Identity . "] " . \
@@ -129,7 +132,8 @@
:do {
- /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none http-method=post \
+ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none \
+ http-header-field=$Headers http-method=post \
("https://" . $HomeServer . "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/" . $Room . \
"/send/m.room.message?access_token=" . $AccessToken) \
http-data=("{ \"msgtype\": \"m.text\", \"body\": \"" . $Plain . "\"," . \
@@ -146,9 +150,9 @@
" " . [ /system/clock/get time ] . " and may be obsolete.");
:set Plain ($Plain . "\\n" . $Text);
:set Formatted ($Formatted . "<br/>" . $Text);
- :set ($MatrixQueue->[ :len $MatrixQueue ]) { room=$Room; \
- accesstoken=$AccessToken; homeserver=$HomeServer; \
- plain=$Plain; formatted=$Formatted };
+ :set ($MatrixQueue->[ :len $MatrixQueue ]) { headers=$Headers; \
+ accesstoken=$AccessToken; homeserver=$HomeServer; room=$Room; \
+ plain=$Plain; formatted=$Formatted };
:if ([ :len [ /system/scheduler/find where name="_FlushMatrixQueue" ] ] = 0) do={
/system/scheduler/add name="_FlushMatrixQueue" interval=1m start-time=startup \
on-event=(":global FlushMatrixQueue; \$FlushMatrixQueue;");
@@ -185,6 +189,7 @@
:local User [ :tostr $1 ];
:local Pass [ :tostr $2 ];
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global LogPrint;
:global MatrixAccessToken;
@@ -193,6 +198,7 @@
:local Domain [ :pick $User ([ :find $User ":" ] + 1) [ :len $User] ];
:do {
:local Data ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=user \
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) \
("https://" . $Domain . "/.well-known/matrix/client") as-value ]->"data");
:set MatrixHomeServer ([ :deserialize from=json value=$Data ]->"m.homeserver"->"base_url");
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Home server is: " . $MatrixHomeServer);
@@ -207,7 +213,8 @@
:do {
:local Data ([ /tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=user \
- http-method=post http-data=("{\"type\":\"m.login.password\", \"user\":\"" . $User . "\", \"password\":\"" . $Pass . "\"}") \
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) http-method=post \
+ http-data=("{\"type\":\"m.login.password\", \"user\":\"" . $User . "\", \"password\":\"" . $Pass . "\"}") \
("https://" . $MatrixHomeServer . "/_matrix/client/r0/login") as-value ]->"data");
:set MatrixAccessToken ([ :deserialize from=json value=$Data ]->"access_token");
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Access token is: " . $MatrixAccessToken);
@@ -233,6 +240,7 @@
:set SetupMatrixJoinRoom do={
:global MatrixRoom [ :tostr $1 ];
+ :global FetchUserAgentStr;
:global LogPrint;
:global UrlEncode;
@@ -242,7 +250,7 @@
:do {
/tool/fetch check-certificate=yes-without-crl output=none \
- http-method=post http-data="" \
+ http-header-field=({ [ $FetchUserAgentStr $0 ] }) http-method=post http-data="" \
("https://" . $MatrixHomeServer . "/_matrix/client/r0/rooms/" . [ $UrlEncode $MatrixRoom ] . \
"/join?access_token=" . [ $UrlEncode $MatrixAccessToken ]) as-value;
$LogPrint debug $0 ("Joined the room.");